ALL IN Finances
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All IN Financial Update
February 2024
In 2023, the congregation of First Presbyterian Church Glen Ellyn embarked upon a two-year initiative to fund its ongoing mission and ministry, as well as four new ministry initiatives. The total funding goal to include all ministries and projects was $6.3 million, with $3.8 million dedicated to two years of fueling ongoing mission and ministry, $2 million committed to projects related to “ALL IN for the Future” and $700,00 for “ALL IN for Others” ministries and initiatives.
The congregation has responded enthusiastically and generously and in April of 2023 we projected total financial commitments and expected gifts of $5.1 million over the two year period of April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2025.
As we near the halfway mark of this two year initiative, the staff, Session, and Ministry leadership teams have been working hard to tighten and adjust budgets and to adapt to dynamic changes in expenses. There are a few important items to note as we near the 12 month mark of the 24 month initiative.
Severe inflation in the building and construction industries over the past three years will impact the projected cost of the sanctuary renovation, previously budgeted at $1.5 million. A more likely cost for the project is somewhere between $1.8 and $2.0 million.
The sanctuary renovation team, in partnership with the properties committee and the session, have been working hard to keep the cost as low as possible while ensuring that the sanctuary renovation is done right. Particularly important to the renovation project is ensuring that audio, video, and lighting infrastructure is all built in such a way that the sanctuary space will facilitate both in person and online worship participation in a powerful way.
The debt elimination component of the ALL IN initiative has been tabled until we have sufficient funding to address it. Additionally, there will be a need to finance some portion of the sanctuary renovation project if it is not funded in full.
The three components of the “ALL IN for Others” section of the All In vision are moving forward with reduced budgets from those which were initially envisioned. We are still able to pursue each of these ministry initiatives in a modified way, as each of them is scalable based upon the resources available to commit to them. We can do more in these “ALL IN for Others” areas in the depth and breadth we would like, when and if we are able to fully fund the all in initiative.
We are off to a fantastic start in the first year of the ALL IN initiative! We have seen and continue to see wide participation in the mission and ministries of First Presbyterian Church as the congregation offers its time and talents, as well as financial gifts in ministry. We have much to celebrate and to be thankful for. While we are not yet at the $6.3 million goal needed to fully fund the entirety of the ALL IN vision, the Lord is providing in abundant ways for our community and we are committed to following him together.
Where Does Your Giving Go?
• $3.6 Million
Sanctuary Remodel | $1,500,000
Retire the Debt | $500,000
Internship Training | $175,000
Identifiable Communities | $175,000
Refugee Mission | $350,000
Quarterly Updates
2023 is an exciting year in the life of our church as we anticipate all that God has laid out for us with the ALL IN initiative. Much work has been done. We’re excited by the progress we’re making and the continued participation from this church community. Learn more here!
2023 continues to be an extraordinary time in the life of our church as we live ALL IN for God and this church community. Busy summer months have given way to a new fall season and what promises to be an exciting year-end as we look forward to this season of hope and joy. I’m particularly energized by all of the transformative work this church has rallied around and the impact it’s had on our local, national, and global communities. This summer was filled with many stories of impact from our backyard, to the Western U.S. and as far away as Uganda. Learn more here!
The past 12 months have seen wonderful progress made in the life and ministry of our congregation and especially with regard to the four new ministry initiatives that comprise a part of the All IN campaign. Because of your willingness to offer your energies and talents to the mission of First Presbyterian Church, and your sacrificial financial commitments to empower the ministry of the congregation, we have seen great progress over the course of 2023. Learn more here!
It’s been a tremendous start to 2024. We’ve witnessed an abundance of celebrations for First Pres during these first three months of the year. Learn more her!
As I reflect on the things the Lord has been doing in our community over the past 15 months of the ALL IN initiative, I am encouraged to see how God has been leading us out of the wilderness of the COVID pandemic and into new and beautiful things. In this quarterly newsletter, you will see much to celebrate. Learn more here.
It is easy for us in some seasons of life to feel tired, stuck, or beyond repair. But behold; the God we serve is never finished bringing about new things in our lives and our community. Let us rejoice that we serve a God of new beginnings, fresh starts, revival, and redemption who is at work even now making all things new. Learn more here.
Our ALL IN journey is entering its final quarter. Ahead of us we have the ALL IN finish line, the celebration of accomplishment, and the discovery what the Lord has for us next. As we run our race of faith as a community this winter, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Let us run with joy as we press on toward the goal. And let us encourage one another as those who race together, united in faith and purpose. Read more here!